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Corporate Social Responsibility Commitment

“The concept of CSR is the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their business activities and relationships with their stakeholders.”

CSR covers a wide range of topics such as working conditions, human rights, environment, anti-corruption measures, fair competition, gender equality, professional integration, consumer interests, taxes, transparency, etc.

Jobprofile is transparently and ethically committed to:

Contributing to sustainable development

Taking into account the expectations of its customers, partners and team

Complying with applicable Swiss laws and international norms of behavior

Integrating the concept of CSR throughout the company and implement it in its relationships.

Our day after day commitment

The very reason for our activity and our corporate culture already dictated the principles of CSR to us before it became a standard. Environmental and societal concerns have always had a central place in the services that Jobprofile offers.

Our mission revolves around the integration, development and well-being of professionals in job search or in career transition.

Jobprofile has been committed from the start of its activity to the digitalization of its tools and services dedicated to its customers. An approach that matches to a desire for sustainability and flexibility essential for its partners and the environment in general.

We make sure that our values ​​and principles are continually applied, internally as well as with our entire network.

Transparency and accountability are concepts dear to us, as is confidentiality. Our activity is carried out in compliance with the laws in force and with irreproachable integrity in the business we handle.

Jobprofile holds an official authorization for placement in Switzerland and abroad.

Our employees embody the concept of work-life balance and convey it to our clients (coaching, recruitment, outplacement, consulting). The values ​​of tolerance, respect and ethics are an integral part of our way of working.

Jobprofile’s plural team demonstrates our values ​​in terms of promoting diversity and equal opportunity and combating any form of discrimination.

We are in direct contact with professionals at each stage of their career, working in particular to raise awareness of wage dumping and equal pay. Due to our position on the job market, work health and safety policy is also a fundamental within the company.

Jobprofile is committed to respecting the environment and to promoting areas in which it can have a sustainable development impact.