I had the pleasure to work with Leslie. Leslie coached me on career development and helped me to move on to a new position. I must say that Leslie had a great impact on the way I looked at my previous experiences to truly assess my strengths, weaknesses, and above all, my opportunities for going forward. Brainstorming with Leslie is enjoyable and effective: he transmits positivity and enthusiasm, which is exactly what you expect from a coach/ consultant. I can recommend Leslie to any senior manager who wants to assess "where s/he is" and above all, understand "where s/he wants and can go towards".
Gianfranco P.
Director Europe CSC, Engagement Champion
Going through a major restructuration, Job Profile has been chosen as one of our external Outplacement support for our impacted employees. Leslie and his highly profesional team of Coaches have provided key support for all of them with high rate of success at the end of their program. it has been highly valuable to work with JobProfile in these turbulent times. Their approach and methodology combined with extensive understanting of the last trends of the employment rules of the game made them highly appreciated by our candidates. thanks a lot Leslie !
Claire Pasquier
Senior Human Resources Business Partner
I had the opportunity to receive professional coaching from Leslie during my employment programme. Leslie genuinely cares about ensuring his clients succeed. Through our coaching, he has helped me to identify key values which I have neglected without realizing it.
Leslie is a dynamic workshop leader who has given the attendees important insights.
I would highly recommend Leslie professional consulting & services to anyone who is looking to develop or change their professional career.
René Berset
Change & Release Manager, Business Analyst, Project Manager
J'ai utilisé les services de Job Profile dans le cadre d'une revalorisation professionnelle. Nous avons travaillé à faire ressortir toutes mes compétences afin de les mettre en avant sur le CV. Le cv fut totalement reformulé et restructuré pour permettre de mieux comprendre le parcours professionnel, les compétences et ma personnalité.
Je suis enchantée du résultat car mon dossier est perçu aujourd'hui comme très professionnel et m'a permis de mieux me positionner.
Donc un grand merci à JobProfile.
Agnès Kaluzny
Administrative Assistant to Plant Director
J'ai eu le privilège de faire appel à Leslie à un moment clé de ma carrière.
Son enthousiasme et sa passion pour son métier sont communicatifs.
Il sait vous mettre en confiance pour vous aiguiller sur la voie du succès. En capitalisant sur vos forces et ce qui vous anime, vous trouverez le chemin pour une activité professionnelle épanouissante et sur le long terme. Je lui en suis très reconnaissant. Je ne peux que recommander Leslie, il a une connaissance du marché très pointue et il bénéficie d'un réseau de grande qualité. Tout ce qui précède lui permet d'exceller dans son domaine.
Marcel Bernard
Hospitality Manager
Leslie and the Jobprofile team are charismatic, fun and have extensive expertise.
Leslie and the Jobprofile process helped me identify what a meaningful career means to me. With his coaching I found my market positioning aligned to my interests and personal values which has allowed me to create and manage my own opportunities.
Whilst the process is sometimes a challenge, I am very grateful for learning how to empower myself and own my career development. I continue to apply and enjoy my learnings everyday.
I highly recommend Leslie and his team.
Matt Bradley
Digital | Transformation | Product | Change | OpEx | Design Thinking | Innovation Management
« I strongly recommend Leslie’s work. His deep knowledge and creative are put at your reach to build upon your skills and competences into your next career step. Leslie will help you to understand better your strengths and how make the most of them and the areas that you need to improve in very pedagogical way. I’m very satisfied with the results of his career development consultancy ».
Sergio Brotons
Digital Marketing Manager
J’ai trouvé au sein de Jobprofile, une équipe de qualité, possédant une excellente écoute, des solutions pratiques, personnalisées, et chose rare, prenant sérieusement en compte mes attentes.
Leslie a facilement su me convaincre de la pertinence de ses services grâce à une approche humaine, orientée “solution”, intégrant les meilleures pratiques et technologiques dans le domaine et facilitant l’atteinte de mes objectifs.
Vincent Dubi
Marketing & Strategy | Digital & Business transformer
« Recruitment is not always easy but with the support of Leslie was a pleasure to select and interview candidates, he provides us good insight on candidates ».
Jean-Luc Caille
Project manager
« I really appreciated collaborating with JobProfile. Their knowledge of the job market and their personalized coaching really helped me finding a good positioning for my career. Their framework, which consists of a long series of questions forcing to reflect on one’s career/personal aspirations/strengths/etc., is a thorough tool which guided me in my introspection and in the discussions with my coach, Leslie Eusebe. »
Marc Petter
Digital Workplace Project Manager
« Leslie excels as a very experienced career coach and brings great added value for both candidates and companies. Through his leadership, professional ethics and best practices, he gains the respect of all and brings overall success to JobProfile and its customers ».
Ernest Schmid
ITSM Project & Program Manager
« J'ai eu la joie de rencontrer Leslie qui est avant tout un homme sympathique, chaleureux et à l'énergie positive communicative. J’ai eu la chance de bénéficier de son écoute, aide et conseil dans le cadre de la définition de mon projet professionnel. Son empathie, ses questionnements sur mes compétences, mon expérience, ma démarche et son contexte lui ont permis de cerner avec acuité mes attentes et mes envies. Sa parfaite connaissance du marché et de ses attentes ainsi que son écoute active m’ont permis de bien définir mon projet et d’identifier mes cibles. Lors de la mise en pratique des conseils prodigués j’ai pu constater leur grande efficacité ».
Loris Capovilla
Health Safety Environment Expert
« Leslie Eusebe is a very charismatic and fun person to work with. He is having an internal sense of understanding the essential qualities of other people and always finds the right strategy to organize and promote these qualities. A natural connector of people and situations. He challenged me and motivated me to act outside my comfort zone. I feel very lucky having worked with him ».
Anna Sarafianou
International Brand Communication Manager
« Leslie is a one of a kind coach and professional. He has a deep understanding of the IT industry and human relations in general. He perfectly understands the dynamics of different corporate cultures and is quick to assess the value that employees could bring to a company given the person’s capabilities and aspirations. Leslie is extremely personable and not afraid to express his opinions. I have already recommended him to a couple of friends looking to establish a clear career path. I will keep recommending Leslie in the future ».
Coty Barron-Walker
Digital Director
« Bien au-delà du coach, Leslie est un copilote, une boussole, qui indique le nord avec précision et persuasion. En suivant un coaching chez JobProfile on apprend à maîtriser le « elevator pitch » ou savoir se présenter en trois minutes, le temps d’un lift. Savoir parler simplement de ses atouts et donner envie à son interlocuteur d’en savoir plus, tout cela en quelques mots et en quelques minutes seulement. Employer les bons termes, la bonne attitude, être efficace, anticiper et surtout être authentique. Outre les objectifs que nous avons atteints ensemble, Leslie m’a surtout appris à me libérer des chaînes imposées par la société, penser et agir en toute conscience pour enfin pouvoir s’approcher d’un certain équilibre et de l’épanouissement professionnel et personnel ».
Olivia Boscacci (Mergui)
PR & Marketing Manager
« When you first meet Leslie, you feel that his charism and energy is just contagious! He is a real expert in his field and is able to think with the actual macro-economic context in mind. He challenges you in a very direct, candid way … exactly what you need, authentic feedback is a gift! And of course you should challenge Leslie too, that is exactly the best way to get the most value out of his long experience ».
Raymond Palmen
« J’ai trouvé votre approche du marché du travail très actuelle, les workshops étaient très intéressants. Dans mon cas, il était primordial de comprendre comment structurer mon CV et le relier à mon profil LinkedIn. Concernant les postulations, j’ai compris qu’il ne suffisait pas de répondre à des annonces mais qu’il fallait prendre des contacts pour trouver un emploi plus rapidement. Le coaching était aussi très utile pour la préparation d’entretiens et comprendre la réalité du marché. Le point principal à améliorer serait, à mon sens, la revue du CV par un professionnel de la branche, pour s’assurer que les éléments mis en avant correspondent vraiment aux besoins du marché. Merci pour votre soutien ».
Marc Colliard
SAP BASIS HANA Project Manager
« J’ai approché Jobprofile et Leslie Eusebe pour m’aider dans ma recherche d’emploi, ceci en plein COVID. Il m'a aidé à mettre au point une stratégie de recherche et de postulation via mon réseau qui s’est révélée très efficace pour obtenir le poste idéal en fonction de mon profil. Grâce à une collaboration basée sur la méthode du "shadow coaching », il a été présent à toutes les étapes du recrutement et de la préparation pour l’interview avec des séances de briefing, débriefing et des indications sur les meilleures actions à entreprendre. Le tout s'est fait online et à distance, c'était parfait et très pratique. Leslie est le coach idéal et a été l'élément déclencheur à l'obtention de mon emploi ».
Justine Zamataro
Marketing & PR Coordinator
« Leslie Eusebe coached me through a successful job search at a time when the job market was feeling the effects of the 2008 financial crisis. He provided sound and wise advice which was key to being serene when all around were glum. But more striking was his strong belief that individuals have unique skills to offer and that there exist magical employer-candidate relationships. Helping the candidate understand and develop his skill sets, finding those special matches, and helping those involved to appreciate each other are Leslie Eusebe’s strengths. His passion for life and for technology are great boosters that help gain the confidence needed to be convincing in interviews. I thank him warmly for his help and recommend him to potential clients ».
Mark Gaber
Encadrant Service Desk, UNIX et Cisco
« Un très grand Merci à Leslie pour son professionnalisme et son énergie débordante. A un tournant important de ma carrière, où mon travail ne correspondait plus à mes attentes et à mon identité, Leslie m’a permis de prendre du recul, et de me poser les bonnes questions. A travers des séances de coaching « challenging » se déroulant toujours dans la bonne humeur, j’ai ainsi pu reprendre la main sur mes choix de carrière et pendre les bonnes décisions pour les concrétiser ».
Cindy Bion
Project Manager (PMP)® – Human Brain Project
« We met during a time when my career was changing and I quickly appreciated Leslie’s clear and well-thought feedback. His systematic approach, the professional competence and hands-on advice combined with background knowledge from multiple industries was perfectly appropriate and of great value. As an example, Leslie recommended a set of courses that allowed me to complement my professional experience with the appropriate “official” certifications in a very reasonable time. I appreciated a lot working with Leslie and clearly recommend him! »
Joerg Hau
Project Management, Quality Management, Process Improvement
« I met Leslie during a skill assessment in June 2010. I had a great pleasure to work with him because of his wide knowledge of the IT sector, challenges and companies. As a very skilled advisor and a particularly nice person, I can only recommend him to whom it may concern ».
Gaithe Eitouni
Solution Consultant Team Lead
« Leslie worked in the field of recruitment at Nestlé by the time we came to know each other. I vividly remember his professional no-nonsense attitude as well as his common sense when it came to hire or not some people. I believe he his the kind of person that should be listened to when expressing some concerns. Thanks again Leslie, that was a pleasure meeting you ».
Zvonimir Vidović
Security Architect
Leslie sait guider vers de nouveaux horizons et sait montrer les perspectives en aidant à formaliser et valoriser les qualités humaines et les compétences ; un pur équilibre de finesse et de challenges !
Arnaud Demol
Directeur de projet / de programme, Expert en management et en Systèmes d’information, Formateur
« Whether you are an employer who seeks the best for your staff at times of growth or transition or a self-aware professional who would like to challenge themselves and reach the next level, you need to be talking to Leslie. He will reflect, as perfect as a mirror, the strengths and needed improvements ahead. He has a rare gift, to challenge and unlock potential by coaching how to capitalise experience. The only condition is to be comfortable with the truth and invested towards the goal. Ready? »
Kalin Nicolov
Digital Transformation & Strategy | Decentralized Governance & Incentives | Cryptoeconomics
« Un homme bien à sa place qui sait vous juger et vous jauger. Laissez-vous faire, écoutez-le, faite-lui confiance. J'ai été bluffé. Je le recommande chaudement pour son sérieux et sa qualité d'analyse ».
Yves Bertino
Chef d’entreprise