Every day, companies large and small are looking for a miracle cure for underperformance. They want change and optimization. They also have to deal with the evolving technology landscape and find ways to integrate artificial intelligence into their organizations.
Organizations juggle with training, team restructuring, new hires, and more, but these solutions are often not enough.
Why is that? Because corporate culture is the secret ingredient that makes it possible to support change and adaptation to new working conditions, and to ensure team motivation and performance.
The relationship to work has changed. Today, the individual is at the center of the equation, and companies that haven’t yet grasped this are losing both strategic effectiveness and competitive appeal.
The best people choose to work in an environment where they are treated well and valued. And they’ll stay if the culture is right for them.
Culture can make or break an organization. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to. But while it may be easy to perceive, corporate culture is difficult to measure.

This is where Jobprofile Consulting comes in: a unique methodology for gathering the data you need to choose actions that will have a real impact on your team and your business.
Because the biggest challenge for companies and their leaders is not so much seeing the problems they face, but interpreting them and acting on them over time.
Jobprofile can help you meet this challenge, as we have been doing for over 10 years with clients in both the private and public sectors. Let’s talk about it.
Jobprofile uses a methodology that makes the culture of your team, department or organization measurable and readable. We put numbers and words to what it is and what makes it tick.
Unlike other methods available on the market that collect data only on the working climate of employees, our scientific approach analyzes the corporate culture, which is very different. A work climate is only one visible manifestation, one symptom among many, of a given culture.
In fact, corporate culture is the invisible force that determines how employees behave, interact and conduct their daily lives. Understanding the critical elements of your culture is essential to business success, effective talent management and strong employee engagement.
By conducting a cultural diagnosis for you, we identify the opportunities and constraints of your culture in relation to your goals.
This data is your starting point for aligning your mission, vision, and values with your organization’s strategy, a recognized prerequisite for team performance.
This assessment is ideal for teams of 5-10 people or more, as well as for larger teams, individual departments, or an entire organization.
In a context of “quiet quitting”, questioning of working practices, competition and talent shortages, knowing your culture and fostering its development enables companies to develop and maintain employee engagement, whether they are a start-up, an SME, a large corporation or a family business.
In an increasingly digital and competitive marketplace, where almost everyone has access to the same tools and technologies, organizations need to differentiate themselves to attract, engage, and retain talent.
Increasingly, managers and executives are realizing that nurturing a company’s culture and bringing its values to life on a daily basis has become a critical strategic challenge.
Corporate culture and human capital, the talents that make up the organization, are the key differentiators that will determine the organization’s prosperity, performance and success.
At the same time, each talent should be aware of his or her own type of corporate culture in order to best navigate the professional environment throughout his or her career.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT | Achieve strategic transformation by understanding where your organization is so you can better support your people through change. | Your teams will finally understand the company’s vision, challenges and goals, and most importantly, their contribution to the value chain. |
COLLABORATION | Develop and strengthen collaboration and communication by learning how each other works. | You’ll save time and boost efficiency by increasing your teams’ autonomy and the quality of their interpersonal relationships, reducing sources of conflict and misunderstanding. |
RECRUITING | Recruit motivated people who fit into your organization and are committed to achieving your goals. | Your company will gain performance by selecting profiles with the best potential for adaptation, ensuring successful and rapid integration, and increased motivation. |
MANAGEMENT TEAM ALIGNMENT | Create a high-performing, cohesive management team by leveraging the strengths of each team member’s human values and skills. | Your managers work together to solve problems and deliver solutions, rather than let politics get in the way of organizational development. |
TALENT RETENTION | Develop an engaging, motivating, and performance-enhancing work environment that helps you retain employees and attract talent. | Your employees will be happy to get up in the morning and show up on time, because if a good salary motivates you once a month, a good work culture motivates you every day. |
LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT | Help managers develop their roles, shape, guide and transform behavior, and lead their teams to success. | Your leaders become aware of their responsibility as role models. They inspire their teams with your company’s vision, mission and values. |
CRISIS RESOLUTION | Identify and resolve issues such as absenteeism, poor working conditions, employee turnover, and employee satisfaction. | Give your employees a voice by gathering their needs and concerns and turning that data into actionable solutions. |
WORK CLIMATE AND MOTIVATION | Understand what supports or hinders the dynamism of your organization or team. Create a healthy, positive work environment. | Gather data on the culture of your teams in a scientific and neutral way so that you can propose effective solutions to improve their daily lives. |
Achieve strategic transformation by understanding where your organization is so you can better support your people through change.
Your teams will finally understand the company’s vision, challenges and goals, and most importantly, their contribution to the value chain.
Develop and strengthen collaboration and communication by learning how each other works.
You’ll save time and boost efficiency by increasing your teams’ autonomy and the quality of their interpersonal relationships, reducing sources of conflict and misunderstanding.
Recruit motivated people who fit into your organization and are committed to achieving your goals.
Your company will gain performance by selecting profiles with the best potential for adaptation, ensuring successful and rapid integration, and increased motivation.
Create a high-performing, cohesive management team by leveraging the strengths of each team member’s human values and skills.
Your managers work together to solve problems and deliver solutions, rather than let politics get in the way of organizational development.
Develop an engaging, motivating, and performance-enhancing work environment that helps you retain employees and attract talent.
Your employees will be happy to get up in the morning and show up on time, because if a good salary motivates you once a month, a good work culture motivates you every day.
Help managers develop their roles, shape, guide and transform behavior, and lead their teams to success.
Your leaders become aware of their responsibility as role models. They inspire their teams with your company’s vision, mission and values.
Identify and resolve issues such as absenteeism, poor working conditions, employee turnover, and employee satisfaction.
Give your employees a voice by gathering their needs and concerns and turning that data into actionable solutions.
Understand what supports or hinders the dynamism of your organization or team. Create a healthy, positive work environment.
Gather data on the culture of your teams in a scientific and neutral way so that you can propose effective solutions to improve their daily lives.
Our three-step approach includes an analysis, the results of which form the basis for concrete, value-added actions, and finally, customized consulting (workshops, coaching, training, etc.) to address the challenges highlighted by the analysis results and in line with the client’s initial objectives.
Step 1
Engage all stakeholders in analyzing the context and challenges. Measure strengths, limitations, and levers to move toward a high performance culture. Identify your culture with your management and leadership styles.
Step 2
Understand the results to create a shared vision around set goals, whether it’s solving problems, developing communication, aligning teams with mission, vision and strategy, or fostering collaboration.
Step 3
Engage all stakeholders in co-creating a positive and effective organization. Work on behaviors and practices to unleash the full potential of the organization in the form of workshops, coaching or training, etc.

Jobprofile uses an exclusive tool to scientifically collect data on corporate culture.
This is the Adequacy Corporate Culture Analytics tool, designed by social psychologists, organizational development specialists and statisticians.
Developed on the basis of validated scientific models, it enables the collection of neutral, unbiased data.
In the form of online questionnaires, Adequacy can analyze two aspects
- The culture and values of your organization, department or team (culture diagnostic)
- The culture, values, personality and motivations of each employee or prospective employee (individual test).
The tests performed generate reports that support the Jobprofile analysis.
In addition to this factual, visual and quantifiable data, we also provide a qualitative assessment of your culture.
Led by our consultant Dr Sandra Carmignani, our business anthropologist, the cultural diagnosis project continues according to the client’s needs, either towards :
- a presentation of the results, leading to a training workshop on the subject of culture and values, and work on the mission and vision of the “diagnosed” team.
- an in-depth analysis of the data collected with the teams, in the form of interviews and observations, in order to refine and contextualize all the information in relation to the issues and SMART objectives set with the client.
Every organization, team and business is unique, which is why our consulting approach is tailored to the needs and expectations of our clients.
Click here to arrange a meeting and discuss a customized solution for your team.
Business anthropology and the use of analytical tools ensure unbiased, qualitative data collection.
The advantage of hiring an outside firm to work on your culture and its challenges is that it provides the benefit of hindsight and avoids the biases that would arise if such an approach were done internally.
Often, HR or managers have their “heads in the sand” and may find it difficult to extricate themselves from existing problems and see things clearly.
What’s more, they may have a preconceived notion of what their company’s culture is or should be, which also biases their actions.
Anthropology, a social science that focuses on human relationships, sees the company as an entity whose members collaborate and interact on a daily basis.
Trained to see the subtle connections that bind people together, the anthropologist brings a fresh perspective that puts words to conflicts and sheds new light on existing problems and the challenges of change.
In addition, the anthropologist is skilled in providing a safe space for employees to share their views freely and confidentially.
Good to know : In Europe and the United States, major companies such as Intel, Microsoft, Google, Nissan, Samsung, and Apple are already using anthropologists to guide their strategies. In Switzerland, Jobprofile has many clients who are increasingly taking advantage of this qualitative consulting service.
Good to know : In Europe and the United States, major companies such as Intel, Microsoft, Google, Nissan, Samsung, and Apple are already using anthropologists to guide their strategies. In Switzerland, Jobprofile has many clients who are increasingly taking advantage of this qualitative consulting service.
Our consulting services are based on this scientific data and propose solutions that are tailored to your needs and effective. These diagnoses enable us to understand and make the necessary organizational adjustments in line with your management needs.
These adjustments may require support in the form of individual or team coaching.
This is where Jobprofile’s consultants come in, as needed, to support our clients in this process.
Our consultants are experts in Business Anthropology, Management, Human Resources, Leadership, Mediation, Conflict Management and Person of Trust, with many years of experience in providing you with the most appropriate and relevant solutions for the measures and actions to be taken.
Here are some of the main topics covered:
- Adherence to corporate values
- Team Conflicts
- Change Management and Communication
- Team Integration Workshops
- Deteriorating work climate
- Leadership Development
- Recruitment and screening
- Employee engagement work
- Recruitment and internal mobility
- Crisis of confidence in leadership
- Help define roles and
- and responsibilities
- Support for change management
- Intergenerational Digital Divide
- Retention plan
- Creating a values charter
- Diversity, equality and inclusion workshops
- Person of Trust
- FSM Mediation
You can’t control the changes that affect your organization, but you can choose how you respond.
In a fast-moving business, building an authentic, responsive culture is essential. Rather than a pre-defined “ideal” culture, developing a values-driven culture allows you to engage in a rich, authentic process that connects your people to their skills, drive, and productivity.
The result: Employee engagement increases, along with a sense of belonging and ownership, creating a virtuous cycle that positively impacts everything from customer satisfaction and innovation to talent retention and profitability.
What is the minimum team size to do the Adequacy diagnosis?
The ideal size is 5 people to do the group diagnosis. For small teams, we recommend that the individual tests be conducted on each person first in order to obtain usable data.
What is the maximum size of a company for the Adequacy corporate culture diagnosis?
The tool allows you to audit an unlimited number of people. It offers the possibility of segmenting different groups within the same company to better compare them.
Is the corporate culture diagnosis anonymous?
Yes, it is anonymous and the test is secure. The results are combined with those of the other respondents to obtain a median score with no individual scores.
Are the individual tests confidential?
Yes, in the case of use for coaching or consulting. Only the administrators have access to the candidate profile and the data is only kept for the duration of the consulting mandate or as soon as a report is returned to the candidate.
No, in case of use in a recruiting process or assessment center, the recruitment team will have access to the candidate results.
How does an Adequacy questionnaire work for a company, a team or a department?
A link is sent to all participants who can answer it on their computer. They answer will answer a questionnaire lasting about 25 minutes.
Jobprofile instantly receives the answers on our platform dashboard. Once all the people invited to do so have responded, a report is finalized and subject to a debriefing, for example in the case of recruitment, or to a more in-depth analysis when the report is part of a consulting mandate.
How does an Adequacy questionnaire work for an individual?
A link is sent to the participant who can answer it on his computer. The questionnaire lasts about 25 minutes. The individual Adequacy test includes a corporate culture test, a personality test, a test on motivations and also a test on personal values.
Jobprofile instantly receives the answers in the form of a report. This report can be used for a debriefing in the case of a recruitment process, a coaching or outplacement program for example, or for a more in-depth analysis when the report is part of a consulting mandate.
I want to know the culture of my team in the context of a future recruitment. Can I use Adequacy?
Of course, you can. In this case, we suggest that you administer the diagnosis questionnaire to the entire team. Then, ask each candidate to take the individual test to see if he or she is a good fit with the team and your strategy. The individual Adequacy test includes a corporate culture test, a personality test, a test on motivations and also a test on personal values.
I would like to take the Adequacy test and attach it to my application. Is this possible?
Yes, you can take the test individually to determine your corporate culture, values, personality and motivations. The results are formatted as a PDF report that you can present to your future employers.
Is it possible to carry out the diagnosis on my team and make a workshop for the restitution?
Yes, we can carry out the diagnosis and prepare a feedback workshop to share the results in a group and work collectively on the results. This is a very constructive approach and a great moment of sharing and communication between the members of a group.